Intelligence to your advantage
Albacore Ltd - an IT services company based in London
Suppliers of expertise in Salesforce, Tableau, Customer Relationship Management and Advanced Reporting
Albacore Ltd is an IT services organisation extending the use of sophisticated CRM, data warehousing, advanced reporting and information dashboards to growing companies with big ambitions - we specialise in delivery of practical CRM (Customer Relationship) and BI (Business Intelligence). Clients can take advantage of our preference for short assignments to keep costs and commitments in control.
The key to making this work is flexible cooperation - this means we negotiate with each customer a combination of core time spent on customer premises, demand-led floating days and remote working to meet their needs. We like to train your staff to make sure whatever we produce will continue to work and extend after we leave, and we can provide a needs-based ongoing support service.
Salesforce CRM
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is concerned with the interaction between supplier and customers; well organised businesses keep a handle on how they interact with actual and potential customers - a well implemented CRM organises this information so it can be used systematically. There are a wide range of options and price points - Albacore can advise on an appropriate choice for your business and provide a rapid implementation service - including configuration, process design and migration from legacy systems. We specialise in Salesforce.com and Gold-Vision CRM systems and their integration to other applications using IBM Websphere Cast Iron.
IBM Websphere Cast Iron
Salesforce, the market-leading CRM and Cloud application platform, delivers more value when integrated with other corporate systems. Cast Iron is a middleware product that enables automated integration between separate systems - on-premise or Cloud. Cast Iron includes connectors for Salesforce.com, SQL databases, sFTP, SAP, MS Dynamics and many other applications, both Cloud and on-premise, using securely encrypted connections. The Cast Iron toolkit includes a range of activities that allow the integration designer to implement business rules within the integration.
Data Warehousing
Every modern business generates volumes of data about day to day operations that can provide valuable intelligence to assist in optimising operations to improve market share, profitability and customer service. Data Warehousing is the process of collecting and organising all this data, and Business Intelligence (BI) the timely delivery of intelligence to those who can exploit it to your business advantage. Albacore can design, implement and maintain a SQL Server based data warehouse appropriate to the scale of your business, and provide timely BI reports to support both regular business and strategic analysis requirements.
Data Integration
If you have an existing investment in on-premise application it makes sense to link these to cloud-based systems like Salesforce.com. Albacore Ltd has several years experience integrating salesforce.com to a variety of on-premise systems, including SAP, SQL Server, MS Dynamics and other CRM and ERP systems using IBM Webshere Cast Iron. Integration can often be accomplished in a few days.
Web Services
We can rapidly develop applications that serve or consume web services - allowing your organisation to communicate seamlessly with your business partners in accordance with your business rules.

All images on this site are of the wild beauty of Montenegro Albacore Ltd is UK registered company no 3800108 - we pay UK tax on all our earnings |