Your source for Data Warehousing Design |
 Data Warehousing |
you do not have to spend huge amounts to benefit from data warehousing
A data warehouse is not a single application, but rather a set of related components that
together provide a organised set of information gathered, generated and used in operating a business.
Using the latest technology data warehousing is now practically acheivable for the smaller business.
We follow the dimensional model proposed by Ralph Kimball, modified for practicality and cost.
Major Components of a data warehouse
 Data Sources
Extraction, Transformation and Loading (ETL)
Data Staging
Reporting Database
Reporting Applications
Data Sources
include organised applications like accounting and stock control systems, CRM Systems, and also departmental
and personal systems using Excel and Word documents, and Access databases.
Your business probably relies on third party data - for example
delivery data from a logistics partner, and reference data such as exchange rates and postcode address data.
Extraction, Transformation and Loading (ETL)
takes data from the source systems and present them to the data warehouse Staging area.
These tools can remove duplication and clean data, as well as providng log records and reformatting data into a form suitable
for input to a relational database. Data loads normally take place in two stages, and initial load with minimal transformations
to a Staging area, followed by a transformation process that merges data from multiple cources and re-arranges it along
reporting dimensions for the load to the Reporting Data Area
Data Staging is a holding area for data derived from the various sources prior to integration in the reporting database.
This enables data to be checked and adjusted using business rules during the final data load, and logs and rejected records are maintained
for quality audit purposes.
Reporting Databases hold the data used by all the reporting tools. This includes reference data such as currencies,
countries, and other published data as well as organised and integrated data from across the business.
Reporting Tools are the applications that generate and deliver information reports.
Reports can vary from simple tables of results to graphical presentations, complex dashboards presenting information on
many aspects of the business in a single document and sophisticated dimensional models that allow you to analyse and explore
your business from multiple aspects. Reporting tools vary widely in cost and complexity.
Information on the tools we use to develop these components is on the Data Warehousing Tools page. |

All images on this site are of the wild beauty of Montenegro |