Benefit from our CRM experience
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
The CRM market is very diverse and there are many alternative applications in this space, ranging in price from free
open source through lower priced commercial offerings and saas subscriptions to larger sophisticated Corporate alternatives
costing many thousands per user.
Not all CRM applications represent value for money; the following represents our distilled knowledge on some of our favouraite choices -
Albacore Ltd has no affiliation to any specific suppliers of CRM software or services.
SalesForce is a very popular choice for extensible CRM. The subscription model and easy customisation makes SalesForce a good option for mobile or distributed workforces, and the unique extensibility of the Force.com platform enables development of applications well beyond standard CRM sales & service. SalesForce provides links to enable your CRM to be linked into the rest of your systems whether they are other "saas" (software as a service) or conventional applications hosted in your office. Salesforce works pretty well "straight out the box", but also allows you to have extensive customisation to precisely match your business. Albacore Ltd has Salesforce certified staff who can assist in your implementation to make the most of this platform.
Gold-Vision is a UK owned CRM application, offering a combination of low licence cost and simple initial installation. Gold Vision is built using modern web technologies that avoid any need for special client software, and the administration portal allows simple drag & drop configuration to meet specific customer requirements without expensive specialists.
If your requirement is for a cost-effective and reliable solution for office use at low per-user cost then Gold-Vision could be an excellent choice. Albacore Ltd consultants have many years experience in utilising, customising and supporting Gold-Vision use.
Pivotal CRM is an application that enables complex workflows to be automated without the need for compromise or hiring expensive programmers. If your business demands high levels of consistency in complex customer interactions then Pivotal might be the best choice.
Albacore Ltd has experience with many other CRM and contact management applications, including Outlook, ACT!, GoldVision, Microsoft Dynamics
and SalesLogix.
We provide the following services, and can provide fixed prices for specific assignments:-

Requirements analysis, package selection and purchase negotiation

System configuration and integration

Business Process design and documentation

User Training and mentoring
 All images on this site are of the wild beauty of Montenegro |